品牌故事 Brand Story19世纪中期,意大利工业设计崭露头角,时尚面貌焕然一新。在享负盛名的意大利经纪艺术时尚中心——米兰,青年才俊Giacomo(贾科莫) 与他的太太Pauline(波琳)创立时尚男装工作室,开始他们的追梦之旅。这个品牌因两个人的深度默契、相似的热情与执着而诞生。Giacomo(贾科莫) 与Pauline(波琳)都是意大利人。曾就读于服装设计学校的他们,一直对意大利文化和时尚气息深深着迷。于是他们在米兰成立一家小小工作室,自己设计、生产和推广品牌服装。女儿Helena(海伦娜)继承了父母的工作室,为表达对父母对时尚的热情执着,Helena(海伦娜)为工作室建立品牌名“RED.P.G”。RED代表了生生不息的血液和对时尚的热情执着,PG即是两人的名字缩写,又蕴含着时尚的魅力。海伦娜用的面料、精湛的手工、简约时尚的设计,诠释了时尚男装的内涵。RED.P.G品牌开启了时尚之旅,名闻遐迩。In the mid-19th century, with the emergence of the industrial design of Italy, the fashion has taken on an altogether new aspect.In the center of fashion and art constitutes -- Milan, young Giacomo and his Wife Pauline set up the men's fashion studio to began to pursue their dream of fashion.This's a brand born of affectionate understanding and similar passion and dedication between Giacomo and Pauline. They are Italian and studied at fashion collage, both of them have always been fascinated with the Italian culture and fashionable breath. Therefore they set up their tiny studio in Milan and devote themselves to design, produce and promote their own brand garment.And then their daughter Helena inherited the studio from her parents. To express her passion and persistence for fashion, and in memory of her parents, Helena established the brand name "RED.P.G " for the studio. RED represents the endless blood andpassion for fashion, PG is the initials of her parents, which also contains the charm of fashion.With high quality fabrics, exquisite craft and simple fashion design, Helena has perfectly interpret the inner beauty of men's fashion. Brand of RED.P.G has started the fashion journey with good reputation.
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