上海兰桢服饰有限公司 天然染色纺织品专家 / 有美国与韩国的韩国产纳米银材料与其技术提供者 * 我们公司所用的材质,在自然和人类之间和谐的关系中具有科学的价值. 在产品上所用的材料为全自然的,这就是支持我们公司的理念. * 上海兰桢服饰主要选择天然面料如棉,丝绸,亚麻,**以及羊毛等为原料. 而且以上所有面料都是用天然提取物如植物,矿物以及动物等来染色的. 纳米银在很多产品中被使用,其主要功能为作用. * 上海兰桢服饰采用的技术是由纺织和纳米科技技术界的国外专家和研究者开发的.所以能保证其高水平 * 我公司的设计以东方文化的美感为中心,而且非常适合
时尚的客户. * 我公司是一个真诚为顾客和环境保护服务的机构. ^ The materials our company uses show the scientific value in the harmonious relationship between nature and humans. All materials used on the products are completely natural to support our company’s belief in nature. ^ Natural materials such as cotton, silk, linen, hemp, and wool etc are selected. The materials above are dyed with natural substances such as plants, mineral, and animal. Nano-silvers are used for anti-bacterial function in many products. The technology our company applies is assured as highly developed by foreign specialists and researchers in the field of textile and nano technology. ^ Our company’s designs are centered around the beauty of oriental culture and is modified for the modernized consumers. ^ Our company is an organization that serves the consumers and the environment conscientiously.